Indo Islamic Heritage Center organised an Webinar on “Relationship between Al Azhar Univerisity And Indian Muslim

7 April 2023, New Delhi. Indo Islamic Heritage Center organised an Webinar on “Relationship between Al Azhar Univerisity And Indian Muslim, Speaking to the webinar Dr. Mostafa Alaaeldin Mohammad Ali who is  Assistant Professor in Faculty of Language and translation at Al Azhar University Cairo Egypt said that “Al-Azhar University is a renowned center of Islamic learning and has a long history of academic excellence in the fields of Islamic law, theology, and Arabic language studies. Many Indian Muslims have studied at Al-Azhar University over the years, especially during the 19th and early 20th centuries, when it was a major destination for Indian Muslim scholars seeking advanced religious education.”

He further said that the relationship between Al-Azhar University and Indian Muslims can be traced back to the colonial period when British colonialism was at its peak in the Indian subcontinent. During this time, British colonial policies often restricted the growth and development of Muslim institutions and intellectual traditions. As a result, many Indian Muslims began to look to Al-Azhar University as a source of inspiration and guidance in their efforts to promote Islamic knowledge and values in India.


Indian Muslim scholars who studied at Al-Azhar University brought back new ideas and perspectives that influenced the development of Islamic thought and education in India. Some of these scholars went on to establish institutions that followed the Al-Azhar model of Islamic education, and many others incorporated Al-Azhar teachings into their own teaching and scholarship, He said.


Mohammad Modassir Ashrafi while hosting the webinar said that In recent years, Al-Azhar University has continued to attract Indian Muslim students, and the relationship between the two remains strong. The university has also maintained close ties with Indian Muslim organizations and has played an important role in promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims in India.

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