New Delhi/Istanbul.
Indo Islamic heritage center organized webinar on Indo Turkish Spiritual Relationship on Saturday 6th Aug 2022.
The Director of Indo Islamic Heritage Centre & Gaddi Nasheen Dargah Ajmer Sharif India, Prof. Syed Liyaqat Husain Moini while presiding the Webinar said that Indo Turkish spiritual relationship is very old and sound. Sufis across the world has played very crucial role in preaching Islam. They didn’t work only for Muslims but they were keen interested to develop a prosperous and healthy society. He also gave a glance on how Tasawwuf and Sufism spread across India and Türkiye.

The Speaker from Türkiye Mr Haktan Demir Attorney, Lawyer & Host of the Program “Haklarimiz” on Lalegül TV channel Turkey, share his thoughts and said that Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi and Imam Rabbani Shaikh Ahmad Sarhindi played a very important role in stablishing the strong spiritual relationship between these two countries. Maulana Rumi’s Influence is seen in several Tariqah spread throughout India. And also, the Chishti, Naqshbandi and other Tariqah has influenced the people of turkey. Recently we have seen the popularity of Naqshbandi taiqah, while millions of people attended the funeral of Shaikh Mahmood Afendi. Furthermore, Tasawwuf is the Nemat for the people of Türkiye and India, Tasawwuf is like suger in tea and Tasawwuf connects the people of both countries.

In sum, Rumi’s poetry and the literature and Malfuzat Of mashaikhe Chisht and other Tariqah contain very powerful concepts related to the value of human life and humanity. Their thoughts can be instrumental in creating peace and harmony in our society. There is thus a dire need to promote such literature which advocates harmony and cohesion between people and societies.
This relationship is the need of time, because in these days we are witnessing the downfall of humanity, the society has gone on its lowest stage, spiritually we are nothing, we became materialist. So, the need of spiritual relationship is the need of time. Shaikh Sadi says in his Gulistan.
بنی آدم اعضای یک دیگراند که در آفرینش ز یک گوهرند
چو عضوی به درد آورد روزگار دگر عضوها را نماند قرار
تو کز محنت دیگران بیغمی نشاید که نامت نهند آدمی
ہر کجا ویراں بوَد آنجا اُمیدِ گنج ہست
گنجِ حق را می نجوئی در دلِ ویران چرا؟
Wherever there was desolation, there is hope of treasure. Then why you don’t search the treasure in devastated and broken heart?.