National Seminar on “Urdu An Indian Language”

Concept Note: Urdu was born in India out of a historical necessity, when the rulers felt the need to communicate with the masses in the subcontinent. India has great linguistic diversity and Urdu is the language of all communities, symbolizing our composite culture. Urdu is not the language of the Muslims only. The Urdu language has played a crucial role in developing the peace processes by enabling the dialogue. The first newspaper of Urdu language was Jam-i-Jahan-Numa, founded by Mr. Harihar Dutta in 1822 in Kolkata.

The politics and social reform dominated Urdu from the very beginning of the 20th century. The political and social movements  exercised profound influence on the Urdu language, newspapers and periodicals. Urdu language took on a strongly nationalistic note towards the turn of the 20th century in freedom movement.The greatest Urdu periodical of the Pre- independence period was ‘Al Hilal, started by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.  In 1919, the ‘Pratap’ was started by Mr. Mahshe Krishnan.  In the year 1921, The Rahbar-e-Deccan’, Urdu Daily was founded by Syed Lateefuddin Qadri at Hyderabad. In 1923, Swami Shraddhanand founded the “Tej’ with Lala Deshbandhu Gupta as its Editor. In the same year, 1923, the Arya Samaj started the ‘Milap, a daily. It was known for its powerful nationalistic editorials.

Title /Sub Title & Topics of the Seminar

Title of Seminar: Urdu – Hindustani Zubaan (Urdu – An Indian Language)

Sub Titles & Topics:

  1. Indian Roots of Urdu Language, In the context of history and culture.
  2. Government Institutions (Central & State ) for Promotion of Urdu Language.
  3. Urdu, Hindi & Hindustani: Proverb and Saying.
  4. Urdu – An official & Military official language.
  5. The Family of Urdu language: Indo-European background and foreground.
  6. Elements of Hindi in the structural process of Urdu.
  7. History of Urdu language, names and travelogue of names.
  8. Status of Urdu in the world of languages.
  9. Indian architect of Urdu language and literature.
  10. Inventors of Urdu: Sufi Saint / Maulvi / Ataliq (Raj Purohit).
  11. Urdu language in Indian films and Society.
  12. Glimpses of Indian Civilization in Urdu Poetry.
  13. Linguistic Civilization and Indianness of Urdu Language.
  14. Linguistic boundaries of Urdu civilization and culture.
  15.  Sanskrit words and phrases used in Urdu.
  16. Non-Muslim Indian Academicians/teachers of Urdu/Atalik
  17. Non-Muslim Indian writer/Historian of Urdu.
  18. Non-Muslim Publishers and Books Published in Urdu Language.
  19. Non-Muslim Indian Researchers of Urdu Language.
  20. Urdu words and slogans of patriotism and national unity
  21. State and Central Government’s magazines in Urdu language
  22. Urdu subjects included in the curriculum of government schools
  23. Urdu scholars/personalities in Non-Urdu government institutions and departments.
  24. Honours/Awards/medals/citations given for the service of Urdu language.
  25. Urdu is an Indian language. Summary of public discourse on social media.

Name of Delegates

N Delegate Institution Topic
1 Dr. Abdul Wahid Nazeer Asstt. Prof. JMI, Delhi  
2 Dr. Hina Afreen Asstt. Prof. JMI, Delhi  
3 Prof. Muhammad Shams Alam Prof. At Zakir Husain College (Delhi University), Delhi  
4 Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Naeemi Asstt. Prof. At Hamdard University, Delhi  
5 Dr. MInhaj Ahmed Asstt. Prof. At Hamdard University, Delhi  
6 Prof Ehtesham Ahmed Khan Dean Deptt of Mass Comm & Journalism, MANUU, Hyderabad  
7 Prof. Safdar Imam Qadri HOD, Urdu Commerce, College Patna  
8 Dr. Haqqani Qasmi NCPUL (National Council For Promotion of Urdu Language) New Delhi  
9 Prof Aftab Alam Afaqi HOD, Urdu, BHU, Varanasi  
10 Dr. Rishi Kumar Sharma Asstt. Prof. At BHU, Varanasi  
11 Prof. Shafiq Ashraf Ashrafi Chairman Waqf Board UP Lucknow  
12 Dr. Shaivya Tripathi Asstt. Prof. At Ruhelkhand University, Bareilly  
13 Dr. Shahnawaz A Malik Asstt. Prof. At  AMU Center Mallappuram, Kerala  
14 Dr. Akhlaq Ahmed Usmani Asstt. Prof. At HJ University, Jaipur  
15 Dr. Chhotu Meena Asstt. Prof. At  Govt College, Tonk Rajasthan  
16 Dr. Sunita Chawla Asstt. Prof. At Govt College, Kishan Garh Ajmer  
17 Dr. Irfan Ahmed Asstt. Prof. Central University, SriNagar Kashmir  
18 Prof Jameel Ahmed Maulana Azad College, Kolkata  
19 Dr. Dabeer Ahmed Asstt. Prof. At Kolkata University, Kolkata  
20 Obaidullah Shareiff Editor, Daily Pasbane Watan, Bangalore    
21 Dr. Mushahid Razvi Malegaon, MH  
22 Prof. Syed Sirajuddin  Ajmali Prof at Urdu Department, AMU, Aligarh  
23 Dr. Imtiyaz Ahmed Alimi Research Associate NCERT  
24 Ziyaddin Barkati IIMC, New Delhi  

Sessions and Details

Inaugural Session: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Tea Break: 11:30 – 11:45 AM

Session I: 11:45 AM – 1:45 PM

Lunch Break: 1:45 PM – 2:30 PM

Session II: 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Tea Break: 4:30 PM – 4:45 PM

Session III: 4:45 PM – 6:45 PM

Assessment & Wind Up: 6:45 – 7:15 PM

Guidelines for Authors

The Abstract are accepted only in Urdu Language. The Author Should provide all details like designation, University/Institutions etc. The abstract shall not be more than 2000 words. Font Should be Jameel Noori Nastalik.  

Time Lines

Timeline of Abstract Submission: 25th Aug 2022

Timeline of Paper Submission: 20th Sept 2022

About The Indo Islamic Heritage Center

Indo Islamic Heritage Center (IIHC) is dedicated to fostering and fortifying the ethos of our rich and ancient civilization and the tolerant and accommodating nature of our multicultural relationship with the Muslim World and Indian Muslims through dialogue, alliance and cultural exchange. Our aims is to remodel contemporary affairs encompassing all facets of human life. The experiments of Sufism for social harmony in India have been very successful. The threat to this communal harmony has increased over time. This can be overcome by communication. The aim of the institute is to contemplate through dialogue.


For Any Query and Clarification Kindly Contact:

Muhammad Zafaruddin Barkaati (Convener) +91 99902 61528

Muhammad Mudassir Ashrafi (Coordinator) +91 83828 41092

Muhammad Zeeshan Jamei (Joint Convener) +91 81785 27136

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